So, it has been 19 days since I've had refined sugar. Never thought I'd make it this far! Who am I kidding, I knew I would because I'm OCD and combined with sheer determination, anything is possible!
It hasn't been easy though; there have been good days and bad days. I really miss my dear old friend, cake, and I'm starting to daydream and have fantasies about my first few meals off of the plan (pasta, fondu, cupcakes, potatoes, squash... need I go on?). For me, life is not worth living if I can't have cake!
I've also started thinking about my challenge for February. I have a few ideas but haven't made a decision yet. I would love to hear your thoughts or feedback. I'm also open to other suggestions!
1. Foreign Language February
2. French February (French language, French cooking, French kissing, etc.)
3. Fitness February (although I pretty much do this anyway)
4. Flexible February (yoga EVERYDAY for the entire month)
Did I mention that Crumbs delivers???